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Scientific Program
Mon. 10
Tue. 11
Wed. 12
Thu. 13
Fri. 14
Mon. 10
Tue. 11
Wed. 12
Thu. 13
Fri. 14
11:00 - 14:30 (3h30)
Welcome (Chairman: B.Schmieder)
14:30 - 14:35 (05min)
Welcome (Chairman: B.Schmieder)
Amphithéatre Friedel
(Valérie Cabuil - Chimie Paris-Tech - Paris Sciences et Lettres)
For Einar Tandberg Hanssen (Chairman: R. Moore)
14:35 - 15:10 (35min)
For Einar Tandberg Hanssen (Chairman: R. Moore)
Amphithéatre Friedel
Speakers: Jean Claude Pecker (Sciences Academy), B. Schmieder, S.T. Wu, Else and Karin (Daughters of Einar)
Session I-1.1 Prominence:fine structure, dynamics and seismology
15:10 - 16:00 (50min)
Session I-1.1 Prominence:fine structure, dynamics and seismology
Chairman: Jongchul Chae
Fine structures and dynamics of prominences and filaments
- Thomas Berger, National Solar Observatory
15:10-15:50 (40min)
Coffee break
16:00 - 16:30 (30min)
Coffee break
Session I-1.1 Prominence:fine structure, dynamics and seismology
16:30 - 18:30 (2h)
Session I-1.1 Prominence:fine structure, dynamics and seismology
Chairman: Jongchul Chae
Theoretical Models of the Origin of Prominence Mass
- Judy Karpen, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
16:30-17:00 (30min)
Prominence Seismology
- José Ballester, Universitat Illes Balears
17:00-17:30 (30min)
Formation and evolution of an active region filament
- Christoph Kuckein, Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam
17:30-17:45 (15min)
The Evolution of Barbs of a Polar Crown Filament Observed by SDO
- Leping Li, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences
17:45-18:00 (15min)
The damping of transverse oscillations of prominence threads: a comparative study
- Roberto Soler, Universitat Illes Balears
18:00-18:15 (15min)
Non-LTE Modeling and Observations of Oscillating Prominences
- Maciej Zapiór, Universitat de les Illes Balears
18:15-18:30 (15min)
8:30 - 9:00 (30min)
Poster viewing
Session I-1.2 Prominence Plasma
9:00 - 10:35 (1h35)
Session I-1.2 Prominence Plasma
Chairman: Petr Heinzel
Quiescent prominence fine structure modelling
- Stanislav Gunár, Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic
09:00-09:30 (30min)
On the nature of the prominence corona transition region
- Susanna Parenti, Royal Observatory of Belgium - STCE
09:30-10:00 (30min)
Plasma properties in eruptive prominences
- Nicolas Labrosse, University of Glasgow
10:00-10:20 (20min)
Determination of Temperature in Solar Prominences/Filaments Using FISS Observations
- Jongchul Chae, Seoul National University
10:20-10:35 (15min)
Coffee break
10:35 - 11:00 (25min)
Coffee break
Session I-1.2 Prominence Plasma
11:00 - 11:30 (30min)
Session I-1.2 Prominence Plasma
Chairman: Petr Heinzel
Rayleigh–Taylor instability in prominences from numerical simulations including partial ionization effects
- Elena Khomenko, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
11:00-11:15 (15min)
Determination of Prominence Plasma β from the Dynamics of Rising Plumes
- Andrew Hillier, Kwasan Observatory, Kyoto University
11:15-11:30 (15min)
Session I-1.3 Magnetic Field: Measurements and Models
11:30 - 12:30 (1h)
Session I-1.3 Magnetic Field: Measurements and Models
Chairman: Duncan Mackay
Inference of the Magnetic Field Vector in Prominences
- Bruce Lites, National Center for Atmospheric Research
11:30-12:00 (30min)
On the magnetic topology of quiescent prominence bubbles
- Jaroslav Dudik, Comenius University
12:00-12:15 (15min)
A first look into the magnetic field configuration of prominence threads and bubbles using spectropolarimetric data
- David Orozco Suárez, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
12:15-12:30 (15min)
12:30 - 14:00 (1h30)
Session I-1.3 Magnetic Field: Measurements and Models
Session I-1.4 Filament Environment
14:00 - 15:00 (1h)
Session I-1.3 Magnetic Field: Measurements and Models
Chairman: Duncan Mackay
Observation of the magnetic field in solar tornadoes
- maria jesus martinez gonzalez, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias
14:00-14:15 (15min)
Chromospheric magnetic field of an active region filament using the He I triplet and the primary observation of filaments (prominences) using New Vacuum Solar Tower of China
- Zhi Xu, Yunnan Astronomical Observatory
14:15-14:30 (15min)
- Chun Xia, Centre for mathematical Plasma Astrophysics
14:45-14:45 ()
14:50 - 15:30 (40min)
Session I-1.4 Filament Environment
Chairman: YiHua Yan
Structure and topology of magnetic fields in solar prominences and their local environments
- Adriaan van Ballegooijen, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
14:50-15:30 (40min)
Coffee break and Poster session
15:30 - 16:30 (1h)
Coffee break and Poster session
Poster session in the Galerie
Session I-1.4 Filament Environment
16:30 - 18:30 (2h)
Session I-1.4 Filament Environment
Chairman: YiHua Yan
Hemispheric Patterns in Filament Chirality and Sigmoid Morphology over the Solar Cycle
- Petrus Martens, Montana State University
16:30-17:45 (1h15)
Magnetism and the Invisible Man: The Mysteries of Coronal Cavities
- Sarah Gibson, National Center for Atmospheric Research
16:45-17:15 (30min)
The role of prominences in defining the quiescent and dynamic large scale coronal structures
- Shadia Habbal, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii
17:15-17:30 (15min)
Diagnosing the Prominence-Cavity Connection
- Donald Schmit, Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research
17:30-17:45 (15min)
Observation of the Prominence Cavity Regions using slitless Eclipse Flash Spectra and Spaceborn filtergrams
- Cyrille Bazin, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille
17:45-18:00 (15min)
Large-amplitude longitudinal oscillations in solar prominences
- Manuel Luna, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canárias - Therese Kucera, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
18:00-18:15 (15min)
Observations and simulations of longitudinal oscillations of an active region prominence
- Qingmin Zhang, Purple Mountain Observatory
18:15-18:30 (15min)
8:30 - 9:00 (30min)
Poster viewing
Session I-1.5 Solar Cycle Evolution of Prominences and Eruptions
9:00 - 10:00 (1h)
Session I-1.5 Solar Cycle Evolution of Prominences and Eruptions
Chairman: Brigitte Schmieder
Unusual migration of the prominence activities in recent solar cycles
- Masumi Shimojo, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
09:00-09:30 (30min)
Global magnetic field cycle evolution and prominence eruptions
- Irina Bilenko, Sternberg Astronomical Institute
09:30-09:45 (15min)
Explaining the Hemispheric Pattern of Filament Chirality
- Duncan Mackay, University of St Andrews
09:45-10:00 (15min)
Session II-2.1 Prominence destabilization, CMEs, 3D reconstructions
10:00 - 10:30 (30min)
Session II-2.1 Prominence destabilization, CMEs, 3D reconstructions
Chairman: Lidia van Driel
Dynamics of prominences from combined ground-based and space-borne observations
- Laura Balmaceda, Inst. de Cs. Astronomicas, de la Tierra y el Espacio
10:00-10:15 (15min)
Evidence for Flux Ropes
- Alan Title, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center
10:15-10:30 (15min)
Coffee Break
10:30 - 11:00 (30min)
Coffee Break
Session II-2.1 Prominence destabilization, CMEs, 3D reconstructions
11:00 - 12:30 (1h30)
Session II-2.1 Prominence destabilization, CMEs, 3D reconstructions
Chairman: Lidia van Driel
Key Physics of Prominence Eruption : Models and Observations
- Kazunari Shibata, Kwasan and Hida Observatories
11:00-11:30 (30min)
Where do we stand in understanding prominence eruptions
- Guillaume Aulanier, Paris Observatory
11:30-12:00 (30min)
Magnetohydrodynamic study on the effect of the gravity stratification on flux rope ejections
- Paolo Pagano, University of St Andrews
12:00-12:15 (15min)
Torus instability of a line-tied flux rope
- Oscar Olmedo, Naval Research Laboratory
12:15-12:30 (15min)
12:30 - 14:00 (1h30)
Session II-2.1 Prominence destabilization, CMEs, 3D reconstructions
14:00 - 15:30 (1h30)
Session II-2.1 Prominence destabilization, CMEs, 3D reconstructions
Chairman: Lidia van Driel
Flux rope formation prior to filament eruption
- Lucie Green, Lucie Green
14:00-14:20 (20min)
Initiation of Coronal Mass Ejections by Sunspot Rotation
- Gherardo Valori, Paris Observatory
14:20-14:40 (20min)
Three-dimensional Reconstruction of Eruptive Prominences
- Ting Li, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences
14:40-15:00 (20min)
Hinode/EIS - SDO/AIA study of a filament eruption
- Deborah Baker, UCL/MSSL
15:00-15:15 (15min)
Filaments Evolution and Flare in NOAA AR 11589
- Kévin Dalmasse, Paris Observatory
15:15-15:30 (15min)
Coffee and Poster Session
15:30 - 16:30 (1h)
Coffee and Poster Session
Poster Session in the Grande Galerie
Session II-2.1 Prominence destabilization, CMEs, 3D reconstructions
16:30 - 18:30 (2h)
Session II-2.1 Prominence destabilization, CMEs, 3D reconstructions
Chairman: Nandita Srivastava
Transient Brightenings Associated with Flux Cancellation Along a Filament Channel
- Karin Muglach, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 674, Artep, Inc.
16:30-16:45 (15min)
Fractal Reconnection and Stochastic Particle Acceleration induced by a Prominence Eruption
- Naoto Nishizuka, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
16:45-17:00 (15min)
Low polarised emission from the core of coronal mass ejections
- Marilena Mierla, Royal Observatory of Belgium
17:00-17:15 (15min)
The 3-D NLFFF reconstruction of Active Region NOAA 11158
- Yihua Yan, Key Lab of Solar Activity, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences
17:15-17:30 (15min)
Sympathetic Partial and Full Filament Eruptions Observed in One Solar Breakout Event
- Yuandeng Shen, Yunnan Astronomical Observatory
17:30-17:45 (15min)
A solar tornado caused by flares
- Navdeep Panesar, Max Planck Institute for solar system research
17:45-18:00 (15min)
Dynamo driven coronal ejections
- Joern Warnecke, Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics, Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University
18:00-18:15 (15min)
An estimate of the contribution of blowout jets to the solar wind mass and energy
- giannina poletto, INAF - Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory
18:15-18:30 (15min)
8:30 - 9:00 (30min)
Poster viewing
Session II-2.2 CMEsand Magnetic clouds in the Helisphere and their impacts on Eart's Environment
9:00 - 10:30 (1h30)
Session II-2.2 CMEsand Magnetic clouds in the Helisphere and their impacts on Eart's Environment
Chairman: Guillaume Aulanier
Evolution of ICMEs and magnetic clouds in the heliosphere
- Pascal Démoulin, Paris Observatory
09:00-09:30 (30min)
Coronal mass ejections from the upper corona to Earth's bow shock
- Noe Lugaz, University of New Hampshire
09:30-10:00 (30min)
Characterization of global geometrical properties of magnetic clouds deduced from in-situ data
- Miho Janvier, Paris Observatory
10:00-10:15 (15min)
Reconstruction of Magnetic Clouds from In-Situ Spacecraft Measurements and Intercomparison with Their Solar Sources
- Qiang Hu, The University of Alabama in Huntsville
10:15-10:30 (15min)
Coffee break
10:30 - 11:00 (30min)
Coffee break
Session II-2.2 CMEsand Magnetic clouds in the Helisphere and their impacts on Eart's Environment
11:00 - 12:30 (1h30)
Session II-2.2 CMEsand Magnetic clouds in the Helisphere and their impacts on Eart's Environment
Chairman: Sergio Dasso
Properties and processes that influence CME geo-effectiveness
- Benoit Lavraud, Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie
11:00-11:30 (30min)
The geoeffectiveness of ICMEs
- Alisson Dal Lago, National Institute for Space Research
11:30-12:00 (30min)
Can a halo CME from the limb be geoeffective?
- Consuelo Cid, Departamento de Fisica University de Alcala
12:00-12:15 (15min)
Statistical analysis of magnetic cloud erosion by magnetic reconnection
- Alexis Ruffenach, Institut de recherche en astrophysique et planétologie
12:15-12:30 (15min)
12:30 - 14:00 (1h30)
Session II-2.2 CMEsand Magnetic clouds in the Helisphere and their impacts on Eart's Environment
14:00 - 15:30 (1h30)
Session II-2.2 CMEsand Magnetic clouds in the Helisphere and their impacts on Eart's Environment
Chairman: Sergio Dasso
Coronal Mass Ejections and associated shocks: Build-up and propagation in a complex environment
- Monique Pick, Observatoire de Paris
14:00-14:15 (15min)
The in-situ manifestation of solar prominence material
- Susan Lepri, University of Michigan
14:15-14:45 (30min)
Interplanetary Disturbances Affecting Space Weather
- Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel
14:45-15:15 (30min)
Filament Eruptions, Jets, and Space Weather
- Ron Moore, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
15:15-15:30 (15min)
Coffee break and Poster Session
15:30 - 16:30 (1h)
Coffee break and Poster Session
Poster Session in the Grande Galerie
Session III Stellar Ejecta and Impact on Exoplanets
16:30 - 18:15 (1h45)
Session III Stellar Ejecta and Impact on Exoplanets
Amphithéatre Friedel
Chairman: Moira Jardine
Observations of coronae and prominences in active cool stars
- Gaitee Hussain, European Southern Observatory
16:30-17:00 (30min)
Coronal mass ejections and angular momentum loss in young stars
- Alicia Aarnio, University of Michigan
17:00-17:15 (15min)
Magnetised stellar winds and their impact on exoplanets
- Aline Vidotto, University of St Andrews
17:15-17:45 (30min)
Solar wind properties and coronal rotation during the activity cycle
- Rui Pinto, Paris Observatory & CEA Saclay
17:45-18:00 (15min)
Modeling magnetized star-planet interactions
- Antoine Strugarek, CEA Saclay
18:00-18:15 (15min)
Conference Dinner
19:30 - 23:30 (4h)
Conference Dinner
8:30 - 9:00 (30min)
Poster Viewing
Session III Stellar Ejecta and Impact on Exoplanets
9:00 - 9:45 (45min)
Session III Stellar Ejecta and Impact on Exoplanets
Chairman: Moira Jardine
Stellar CME activity and its possible influence on exoplanets' environments
- Maxim Khodachenko, Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences
09:00-09:30 (30min)
Space observations of evaporating exoplanets
- David Ehrenreich, University of Geneva
09:30-09:45 (15min)
Session IV Instrumentation, Missions and Techniques
9:45 - 10:30 (45min)
Session IV Instrumentation, Missions and Techniques
Chairman: Valentin Martinez Pillet
Prominences observations from space: advances and future challenges
- Frédéric Auchère, Institut d'astrophysique spatiale
09:45-10:00 (15min)
The IRIS mission - prospects for prominence and filament science
- Mats Carlsson, University of Oslo
10:00-10:15 (15min)
Observation of the prominence eruptions and CME during the Interhelioprobe solar mission
- Sergey Bogachev, Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
10:15-10:30 (15min)
Coffee break
10:30 - 11:00 (30min)
Coffee break
Session IV Instrumentation, Missions and Techniques
11:00 - 12:30 (1h30)
Session IV Instrumentation, Missions and Techniques
Chairman: Valentin Martinez Pillet
Introduction to the Chinese Giant Solar Telescope
- Zhong Liu, Yunnan Astronomical Observatory,Chinese Academy of Sciences
11:00-11:15 (15min)
Scientific Programmes with India's National Large Solar Telescope and their contribution to Prominence Research
- S Sirajul Hasan, Indian Institute of Astrophysics
11:15-11:30 (15min)
ALMA Observations of Solar Prominences
- Petr Heinzel, Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
11:30-11:40 (10min)
Prominence science with the ATST first light instrumentation
- Thomas Rimmele, National Solar Observatory
11:40-12:05 (25min)
Instrument concepts for the observation of prominences with future ground-based telescopes
- Arturo LOPEZ ARISTE, Télescope héliographique pour l'étude du magnétisme et des instabilites solaires
12:05-12:30 (25min)
12:30 - 13:00 (30min)
Amphithéatre Friedel
Eric Priest
Visit of the Observatoire de Paris (XIV Arrond.)
14:30 - 15:30 (1h)
Visit of the Observatoire de Paris (XIV Arrond.)
Visit of the Observatoire de Paris (XIV Arrond.)
15:30 - 16:30 (1h)
Visit of the Observatoire de Paris (XIV Arrond.)
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