Data from two ground-based instruments operating continuously in Argentina since 1999 are analyzed in combination with satellite images to shed some light into the kinematical properties of erupting prominences during their early stages. In particular, images from MICA (Mirror Coronagraph for Argentina) in the green line (530.3 nm) allow us to study the acceleration phase of the events exceptionally close to the solar limb (1.05 to 2.0 solar radii), with a high temporal cadence (1 min in average) and also a relatively high spatial resolution of ~3.6 arcsec/pixel. On the other hand, HASTA (H-alpha Solar Telescope for Argentina) provides daily full Sun disk images in the hydrogen Hα emission line at 656.27 nm with an spatial resolution of ~2 arcsec/pixel and a cadence of 1.5 min when running in patrol mode. Thus, both telescopes make an excellent complement to existent space instrumentation. We make use of white-light data from the SOHO/LASCO C2 and C3 coronagraphs in order to track the evolution of the erupting prominences at larger distances from the Sun and analyze modern data from SDO/AIA telescope when available. We present some case studies from a selection of events occurring at different phases of the solar cycle.