Abstracts > Abstract list by author > Jejčič Sonja

Mapping of prominence plasma parameters from eclipse observations
Sonja Jejčič  1@  , Petr Heinzel  2@  , Maciej Zapior  2@  , Miloslav DruckmÜller  3@  , Pavel Kotrč  2@  , Stanislav Gunár  2@  
1 : University of Ljubljana
Jadranska 19, 1000 Ljubljana -  Slovenia
2 : Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences
Fricova 298, 25165 Ondrejov -  Czech Republic
3 : Institute of Mathematics, Brno Technical University
Technicka 8, 61600 Brno -  Czech Republic

We construct the maps of quiescent-prominence temperatures, electron densities and geometrical thicknesses. For this we use the RGB signal of prominence white-light emission detected during the total solar eclipse on August 1, 2008 in Mongolia and co-temporal Hα spectra taken at Ondřejov observatory. The method of disentangling the electron density and geometrical (effective) thickness was described by Jejčič and Heinzel (2009) and is used here for the first time to analyze the spatial variations of prominence parameters. The electron density is increasing towards the bottom of the prominence which we explain by an enhanced photoionization due to the incident solar radiation. To confirm this, we construct 2D radiative-transfer model with realistic prominence illumination.

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